Articles for category: Home & Garden, Remodeling, Maintenance & Home Decor

Thinking Of Putting A Hot Tub Inside Your House? Pros & Cons Of Indoor Hot Tub Installation

Thinking of installing an indoor hot tub? At the very least, don't do it yourself! Although an indoor hot tub gives you more privacy and fewer maintenance issues, you have to think about mold inside, weight capacities on your flooring, and the multitude of electrical and plumbing issues that could arise. Here are the pros and cons of indoor hot tub installation.

Sealing Granite Countertops 101: How To Tell If Granite Has Been Sealed, How To Remove Granite Stains, And How To Seal Granite

Wondering if you should use a granite sealer on your countertops? The short answer is: Yes! I'll help you determine if your countertops need sealed right now or if you can wait awhile, whether to use a topical sealer or an impregnator sealer, how to seal granite countertops yourself, and how to remove stains from granite.

10 Easy Steps For DIY Roll Roofing Installation

Roll roofing is the perfect material choice for the DIYer interested in tackling small roofing projects -- like a shed or porch roof that has a slight sloped roof or a flat roof. I'm a true DIYer when it comes to house projects and I've learned a thing or two that could help with your DIY project. Here are my easy to follow step-by-step instructions for DIY rolled roofing installation.

Cork Flooring Durability & Eco-Friendliness Are This Interior Designer’s Top Reasons For Choosing Cork Floors

As an interior designer, one of my favorite materials to use inside a home is cork. Cork flooring has many advantages over other popular materials -- including hardwood, tile, and concrete. Two of the biggest reasons I encourage clients to choose cork flooring are: its durability and eco-friendliness. Here are some good things to know before installing cork flooring.