Designs & Architectural StylesHome & Garden

English Tudor-Style Cottage Photos & Ideas

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By Randy

The English cottage series of articles that I’ve posted over the past few months is my tribute to the many great features, premium materials used, architectural details and tremendous planning that Bonner Custom Homes put into play to bring all of the components of this beautiful home together.

Here are even more reasons why you need not miss out on some great ideas from a true modern English Tudor classic…

This is the fourth and final ‘best of’ series of photo posts for the English cottage and I’ve saved some of my truly favorites for last.

What I mean when I say favorites is that the photo is a reminder for me of the ‘over and above’ quality and thoroughness in which the owners’ dedication and a culmination of ideas from European vacation note-taking, custom homebuilding know-how and techniques, books/magazines and personal preferences that made it all come together.


Natural Stone Countertops, Tile and Flooring En Masse


A Modern English Tudor Cottage Approaches Completion


Custom Bedroom Cabinetry and Unique Retro Brick-Look Kitchen Tile ‘Rounds Things Out’


Follow this link to the complete series on the English cottage seen here.