I always have my camera with me when I visit my local home improvement centers. You never know what cool stuff you’ll see or if you need to take a quick photo to capture dimensions, prices, etc. Today was no exception and I’m glad I had my camera. Why?
They had a misting patio umbrella on display in the garden department. It’s summer. I’m in Georgia. You had better believe that I made a bee-line towards it to cool off. What will they think of next??!!
Want to see more of it?
Now what would you pay for a gadget like this? I really didn’t care to put a price tag on it while I was killing a few minutes standing under the cool water mist gently careening over me. At that moment, it was nearly priceless.
The mist sprays is piped up through the umbrella pole and then split so water misters spray from every other rib of the umbrella. Gadget or practical? You decide. There are many other types of residential misters on the market. I’ve got some links to just a few at the bottom of this page.
I asked the Depot associate if they were selling many of them and she replied that it was quite a popular item for purchase lately. Did I mention it’s been hot here with little rain for some time here in the ATL? That would explain it. I would go so far as to say that it could easily be an impulse purchase.

I found the H2Cool 9 foot patio umbrella mister on the Home Depot website for $111.75 plus shipping but the price in the store was $129 for a website price advantage of about $6-$7.
That’s all from me from now. Be cool!
MicroCool has some great mist solutions for practically every application, whether it be residential or commercial.
Misty Mate can set you up with:
Misting systems for your home
Reptile misters
Bird misters
Dog cooling misters
Very expensive professional quality misting fans.
Misting fan rings that you simply attach to your existing fan.
They have many more misters for different applications.