A Victorian Slate Roofing Installation

by Randy

Roofing, Victorian Style

Roofing…how boring…right?


Wrong!!! Not when you’re talking about the fine craftsmanship of a Vermont black slate roofing installation. That’s exactly what I’m about to share with you. The installation occurred at the Victorian home I’ve been visiting while under construction.

This slate roof was no small task to complete. They used somewhere in the range of 100 square of Vermont black slate. That’s a LOT of slate to have to install on a private residence!



Roofing Underlayment: A Good Start

You have to start somewhere when you’re installing a roof and roofing underlayment is key. It prolongs the life of the roofing material, the roof itself and serves as a backup should the top layer of shingles or tiles fail to do their job.



copper_vents_and_titanium_underlayment.JPG Titanium_underlayment.JPG 

In this case, a tough, new synthetic roofing underlayment material made by Interwrap that goes by the brand name of Titanium UDL 30 was their choice. It’s 6 times lighter and 20 times stronger than traditional 30# felt.


Here are some of the standout features of this new synthetic underlayment:

  • 100% Recyclable
  • 30 Yr Limited Warranty
  • Inert to mold growth
  • 6 month UV exposure
  • Patented slip resistant technology (for installers)
  • All temperature performance (-70 F to 212 F)


Slate Roofing: Vermont black

The style and color of slate they chose was Vermont black in a couple of different widths to add that extra touch of character. It was quarried and processed by the largest producer and supplier of roofing slate in the U.S., Evergreen Slate Company. They’ve got a great website with all kinds of tools to help you select the slate roof of your dreams. Check ’em out if you’re in the market.

Now for the slate roofing gallery I promised:

completed_slate_roof_over_master_suite.JPG chimneys_stand_guard_amongst_roofing_activities.JPG 

copper_drip_edge.JPG copper_vents_by_dormer.JPG 

Evergreen_Slate_company.JPG mix_slates_for_best_results.JPG 

footholds_make_roofing_easier.JPG pallet_loads_of_vermont_black_slate_roofing.JPG 


roofing_tile_cutter.JPG slate_roofing_tiles.JPG 

slate_tiles_cut_at_angle_for_turret.JPG striations_make_it_beautiful.JPG 


three_of_four_gables.JPG titanium_wrap_visible_under_slate_roofing.JPG 

variations_in_depth_and_color.JPG variations_in_striations.JPG 

varying_slate_roofing_tile_widths_lend_character.JPG varying_widths_of_roofing_slates.JPG 

ventilation_is_key_to_extend_roof_life.JPG vertical_roofing_conveyor.JPG 



So there you have it.  An extraordinary example of a classic slate roofing installation on a newly constructed Victorian home in Georgia. I’ll be posting another article soon on the slate roof on the turret of this house so check back soon.


A list of famous slate roofs

Slate roofing definitions, sizes, weights and roofing patterns