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Trying to decide if you could live in a home without a tub? Will a shower-only bathroom hurt resale value? Pros & cons from someone who's been in your shoes

A list of Universal Design features to consider BEFORE building or remodeling your house. Plus reasons to consider Aging in Place in the home of your dreams

Unique master bathroom ideas to transform your dream into reality. Reap the rewards of your beautiful remodeled space while increasing your home's value.

I've lived in a home with a septic system for the past 22 years. I've got a lot of helpful tips about septic system maintenance that you need to know!

Replace old showerheads with WaterSense showerheads to save money... and water. Here's what you need to know before buying a water saving shower head.

Installing a steam shower generator is a job best left for the pros. But as a homeowner you need to know some basics about steam shower generators yourself.

Accessible design in the home building industry is here to stay. Easy access, easy use and easy passage are the main focus of homes certified under the EasyLiving Homes voluntary program. They're not designed just for retirement communities either.

What are the basic principles behind Universal Home Design? Here are easily explained answers for the 3 trouble spots found within every home: the entrance, the kitchen and the bathroom. If you're building, remodeling or buying a home, you'll want to make life more comfortable for yourself or the homeowners. See if your home measures up.

I learned that living in a townhouse on the lower end of the row has a definite downside to it. Water will flow downhill should your neighbor's have a water leak in their dwelling. Don't let this happen to you. Buy or lease on the upper end whenever possible.