The laundry chute is located in the closet of the master suite on the second floor of this nice craftsman-style home.
It’s also accessible from a small door in the hallway.
This laundry chute is simple — there’s nothing much to it — but it’s convenient because the laundry room is on a separate floor from most of the bedrooms in the house.
Here are photos of the laundry chute and a picture of the home it was in:

How To Install A Laundry Chute
- So You Want To Install A Laundry Chute…
- Laundry Chute Installation (video)
- DIY Laundry Chute Tutorial
- Slideshow Of Laundry Chute Ideas
- Laundry Chute Doors
- How To Install A Laundry Chute
- Video: Laundry Chute Under Bathroom Sink
- The Ups & Downs Of Laundry Chutes
Tristan’s Newest Hobby: Home Building Photographer
This blog is primarily about my (our) experiences when we visit new homes and all of the new and interesting things that home builders choose to do with these new homes.
But I can’t always make the spur of the moment trips that we make around the corner (and further… sometimes much further) to see the newest homes.
That’s where my 12-year-old son, Tristan, comes in. He likes to go with my wife, Sandy, and I to look at houses, too. His favorite thing to do when we’re looking at houses is to pick out which bedroom would be his. Same thing goes for my daughter.
Tristan and Sandy returned from their trip where they visited several homes in different subdivisions. He was very excited to show me that he had taken his own pictures of things that were interesting to him and some details that he thought I would have wanted to see had I been there.
Very sweet… very thoughtful. And then it dawned on me that we had created a monster…a home-stalking monster. Without any direction from Sandy,
Tristan discovered the laundry chute pictured above and he took those photos from some very smart angles.
After a total of only 244 pictures later of some of the other homes he and Sandy visited, Tristan was ready to head back home. (Thank God for digital!)
You see, we gave Tristan a Canon SD-1000 camera this past Christmas because he was always asking to borrow my Panasonic, which translates to…”I like to take my own pictures so would you mind giving me a camera of my own to explore with?” That’s what I read into it even though he never came out and actually said it, and I was happy to oblige him. He has a blast with his new camera and I encourage that sort of behavior — within limits.
Like father… like son.