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A list of Universal Design features to consider BEFORE building or remodeling your house. Plus reasons to consider Aging in Place in the home of your dreams

Do this and don't do that! Before you start any home remodeling project, be sure to consider what adds value and what doesn't if you plan to sell your home.

Dreaming of decor like you'd find inside celebrity homes? 5 savvy decorating tips to spruce up your home like a celebrity... minus the expense.

Increase the value of your home without spending much money. From curb appeal to minor repairs - these 9 home improvement ideas will make a huge impact.

So, is a finished basement a good investment? Find out here as we discuss the pros and cons of a basement remodel.

Accessible design in the home building industry is here to stay. Easy access, easy use and easy passage are the main focus of homes certified under the EasyLiving Homes voluntary program. They're not designed just for retirement communities either.