Looking for a haunted inn to stay at? Have you seen your share of T.A.P.S. – Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi channel and want to get a taste of the real deal? The Buxton Inn, located in Granville, Ohio, is one of the most notorious in the great state of Ohio. Originally built in 1812 by Orin Granger, The Buxton Inn is the oldest continuously operated Inn in Ohio. The building itself originally served as a post office and stagecoach stop between Columbus and Newark.
The Inn’s namesake, Major Horton Buxton, operated the Inn from 1865-1905 and his picture hangs in the lobby to this day. Major Buxton’s image has been claimed to have been seen in various parts of the Inn. Then there’s Ethel Bounell. She was the innkeeper from 1934-1960 and she died in room #9. Guess what?! Yes…she’s been seen, too…ahem…after her demise. There are more ghosts in the basement where the help used to dine and sleep. I had a couple of beers in the basement tavern and didn’t see a darn soul (Ha!) except the friendly barkeep. OK…I’m not a believer of ghosts and paranormal activity…normally. That’s just me. Other folks would argue their case, until they turned blue in the face, claiming that this place is haunted.
It is said that you’ll have a better chance of “seeing or hearing” something if you stay in room #7 and/or room #9. Go for it!
How Did I Come Across this Haunted Inn?
Totally by accident…that’s how! It wasn’t until I picked up a pamphlet in the gift shop that I found out about the “hauntings”. Wicked!!!
In a recent post I mentioned that I went to my grandma’s 90th birthday party back in 2002 in Newark, Ohio. This was a solo car trip for me because the kids were in school and Sandy, my wife, graciously stayed behind to see that the kids got to school and all that jazz.
I didn’t want to stay in one of the chain hotels/motels during my stay in Ohio. I wanted to make it a little more interesting so I got on the web and found (don’t remember how) the Buxton Inn in nearby Granville. The rates were reasonable and it wasn’t a chain. Bingo! I booked a room and made my way to my destination from Georgia. I arrived and walked into the lobby and found that the girl at the front desk was decked out in old timey clothes. OK…cool, but I don’t get it. She gave me my key and told me that my room was next door and off I went.
My room was in the Warner House next door to the original Inn building itself, facing East Broadway in beautiful downtown Granville. The Buxton Inn “complex” consists of several historic buildings side-by-side and every one of them has been renovated. It’s a beautiful place to stay. I was there in early fall and the leaves had just begun to turn.
It’s About Architecture…Not Ghosts!
I had a different appreciation for the place. Plain and simple. There were several different types of historical architecture all squeezed into one tiny block with beautiful formal gardens wedged neatly in the center of it all to meander the evening hours away after dinner. I had an hour or two to kill at one point so I made use of my trusty Canon EOS 650 and fired away. These buildings and homes have been renovated most recently by the current owner/operators, Orville and Audrey Orr and they’ve done a magnificent job of it.
It has been duly noted by hundreds of the Inns’ guests that this place will give you the creeps (if you can believe it).
Links to Stories of Encounters with Ghosts at the Buxton Inn
* AllStay.com
* Your Ghost Stories
* OhioGhostHunter.com
* Grave Addiction
* PrairieGhosts.com
Here’s a List of Haunted Inns Located Throughout the U.S.
And finally…this post would not be complete without a link to the Buxton Inn itself…
* Buxton Inn
* Buxton Inn Tavern