Are you gathering ideas for that dream home of yours?
If you’re looking for photos of two-story, family room (a.k.a. great room) window groups, I’ve got a few ideas to throw your way that just might suit your wants and needs.
We’ve seen our fair share of window walls that consist of a group of single pane windows with and without windowpane dividers, also known as muntins.
That is definitely a personal preference that you and you alone need to decide upon.
One piece of advice that I would offer is to make sure your wall of windows are high performance and energy efficient.
Single hung and double hung windows would be my preference for the lower tier of windows to let the breeze in when the time is right.
Stationary single pane windows, with or without a muntin grid, are the way to go up top, though. No ifs, ands or buts.
Don’t even try to convince me otherwise.
We’ve seen homes with operable double-hung windows two stories up and we just can’t seem to make any sense out of it!.
Who do they think is going to move in that can reach windows of that height?
The Jolly Green Giant?
Ho! Ho! I don’t think so!
Image courtesy Le Sueur Chamber of Commerce
Now for the photos I promised to present…
The above photos are examples of great ideas.
The photos below are dumb homebuilding ideas.
Because the builder decided to install single-hung or double-hung windows out of reach. That…is…D-U-M-B! I’m just being honest and practical.
See below…
See what I mean???