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Funny Home Fix-It Video Clips

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By Randy

They say that laughter is the best medicine.


Funny DIY home fix-it videos always seem to make me laugh the most because I can relate. Commercials with a homeowner theme can be downright hilarious, as well.

I know I’m not alone because there is video footage out there to prove it.

Who hasn’t stepped on a metal rake and gotten ‘beaned’ at least once? Funny to watch…not funny to have it happen to you.

Slips, falls, bloopers, practical jokes and construction site goofs where no one gets seriously hurt (home or commercial/industrial) — they all fall under the realm of funny home (or amateur) video fodder.

These are some of my favorites…

Here’s a very funny, although gross, video involving a port-a-potty on a construction site.

There are more than enough opportunities for DIY-type homeowners to get themselves into awkward, precarious, somewhat dangerous situations while maintaining their houses. If we, the general public, are lucky enough for the hapless soul to be caught on video then we are the beneficiaries of said goof.

To the tune of ‘Bad Day’ by Daniel Powter.

Super Bowl XLI is here which means that some very clever (and funny) commercials are about to be unveiled. I’m going to have a hard time picking when to go to the bathroom this Sunday. I might need to have a Stadium Pal handy.

Here’s a Bud Light commercial with a DIY theme involving husbands ‘fixing’ a roof. Notice at the beginning of the commercial that husband #1 is climbing the ladder to clean the gutters but there are no gutters on the house. Sorry…I tend to pick apart the details of video footage for inconsistencies…and that’s a big one!

There are, undoubtedly, quite a few commercials out there that have a “home construction” theme to them — and I aim to find them.

Have you seen any funny home DIY videos lately? Share the humor and drop a link in the comments below!

Must see!… Here are most of the Bud Light Presents – Real Men of Genius radio spots for hours of laughs.