Knowing how to select the correct paint gloss, also known as paint finish, for your interior paint project is key to getting the look you really want and the durability required for a particular room.
There are basically six or seven levels of finish for interior paint (depending on what resource you’re looking at). Why are there so many different types? Why is it important to know the characteristics of each type? Which gloss should you use for each room in your house?
Enough questions. Now for some answers.
Different Types of Interior Paint Finish and Uses for Each
Let’s look at the different types of finishes, characteristics of each type and what rooms of a house they should be used in. You would not want to put a flat paint in a kid’s room because you would have a devil of a time cleaning the crayon marks, inevitable handprints and whatever else kids their little hands in and out of and on your walls. Stick with a satin or semi-gloss finish (no pun intended) and you’ll make your life a little easier when it comes time to clean up after the wee ones.
The same logic is true for the paint finish selection in your living room. A shiny paint would not look attractive and would show whatever imperfections you may have on your walls. Go with a nice eggshell and you won’t go wrong.
Below are the six basic types of interior paint finishes and where to use them.
- Has no sheen and is best suited in low traffic areas. Good at hiding minor imperfections.
- Family / Living rooms
- Dining rooms
- Master bedroom
- Home office
- Ceilings
Flat enamel
- Has no sheen and is best suited in low-to-medium traffic areas. Good at hiding minor imperfections.
- Family / Living room
- Dining room
- Master Bedroom
- Stairway
- Playroom
- Hallway
- Home Office
- Ceilings
- Has low sheen and is best suited in medium traffic areas. Soft look that is washable.
- Family / Living room
- Dining room
- Master bedroom
- Stairway
- Playroom
- Hallway
- Home Office
- Windows
- Trim
- Cabinets
- Has a medium sheen (slightly shiny finish) and is good in medium-to-high traffic areas. Easy cleanup.
- Family / Living room
- Dining room
- Master bedroom
- Stairway
- Playroom
- Hallway
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- Children’s bedroom
- Doors
- Windows
- Trim
- Cabinets
- Has a medium-to-high sheen and is best suited in medium-to-high traffic areas. Easy to wash.
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- Playroom
- Hallway
- Children’s bedroom
- Doors
- Windows
- Woodwork
- Trim
- Cabinets
High Gloss
- Has a high sheen (shiny finish) and is best suited in high traffic areas. Highly washable.
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- Doors
- Windows
- Woodwork
- Trim
- Cabinets
Those are the basics of choosing the correct paint finish. Now it’s time to make some decisions on your own.
Handy planning tools:
Paint calculator: courtesy of the Paint Quality Institute
Select a color for a virtual room and change them at will: via True Value
Interactive Color Wheel: Don’t go to the paint store until you understand color relationships. via True Value
I started as a home-stalker… visiting brand new homes under construction in the neighborhoods near my house.
That inspired me to write about home building and home renovation projects — chronicling homes during different phases of construction from a consumer’s point-of-view. Basically, the tips you’ll find in my articles are a collection of checklists for what I think should (and should not) go into building or remodeling a quality home.