Designs & Architectural StylesHome & Garden

Here are some of my best photos of a full-blown authentic English cottage that was built adjacent to Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park in Marietta, Georgia. There's way too much to describe in this little excerpt.

Residential elevators are gaining popularity as an amenity for seniors, the disabled and in multi-story luxury homes. It's easy to see why that is true.

Mock rocks are an attractive, creative and cost-effective method of concealing undesirable exposed utilities around the landscape. Here's an example of one in use.

This Beatles-Yellow Submarine nursery theme is unusual to say the least, but it is also one of the coolest and most unique nurseries that you'll ever lay your eyes upon. Lots of fun ideas can be found in the world of Pepperland.

Affordable housing for the Hurricane Katrina-ravaged region of the Gulf coast was a major force behind the concept and eventual fruition of the Katrina Cottage. This will soon be THE structure that many Mississippi and Louisiana residents will find themselves living in. It is a win-win situation for those in need of housing in this devastated area.

If you want a home with spectacular views of Paulding County, GA, you'd better run over to Celestial Ridge subdivision and pick out a site before they are all gone.

Why buy a natural gas stove versus electric? I have a few different reasons why we went with natural gas and my reasons just may surprise you. I've provided Iinks to some great sites to help you make your decision. Gas or Electric? Which brand to choose? You may have many questions to be answered before you decide.

Never paint your house any of these colors unless you want plenty of attention for all of the wrong reasons!

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