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Tulip Poplar tree bark siding is a beautifully rustic choice of siding that can be used in some areas of your home, or outbuildings, that you may not have thought of before. I've provided a few photos of bark siding in use on an 'outhouse' on a beautifully landscaped estate. Come see.

Liven up your bathroom with an aquarium toilet tank. How about a sleek looking aquarium sink to inject some interest in your lavatory.

Curious which toilets made a splash at the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show in Vegas this year? Contemporary and Asian-inspired designs were influential as well as water conserving toilets.

Remodeling your bathroom or just considering a new toilet? Have you looked into the elongated toilet seat option available now? When considering toilet seat sizes, here's what you should think about.

This is a short entry regarding the European Sink Atlanta sign that is humorous and possibly disturbing, depending on your point of view and mood. Please enter with caution!