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Randy Boerstler

I started as a home-stalker... visiting brand new homes under construction in the neighborhoods near my house. That inspired me to write about home building and home renovation projects -- chronicling homes during different phases of construction from a consumer's point-of-view. Basically, the tips you'll find in my articles are a collection of checklists for what I think should (and should not) go into building or remodeling a quality home.

Longaberger Basket Building - The world's largest picnic basket is the actual Longaberger Basket Company home office located in Newark, Ohio. Amazing site!

Remodeling a room? Chances are you're going to need electrical outlet spacers on your receptacles. They take just a minute to install over existing electrical wiring for a professional finish, here's how.

Installing picture frame moulding or shadow box molding is easier than you think. I did it myself... and you can too! My step-by-step instructions for this simple wainscotting DIY project.

Portable vacuum cleaners are better than ever these days, but a central vacuum system has the winning edge! See why... Here's what I've learned about central vacs, including the cost and DIY installation info too.

The Derek Jeter mansion in Tampa, Florida is a 32,000 sq. ft. sprawling, eclectic English manor on the waterfront! Photos + videos of Derek Jeter's Tampa home.

Thinking of installing an indoor hot tub? You have many challenges ahead of you in order to do it right! Think about mold, weight issues, and costs.

Thinking of adding a ceramic coating to your home or using a ceramic house paint? See why this ecofriendly permanent exterior paint might not be the best choice.

See if your countertops need sealed (or if you can wait awhile), whether to use a topical granite sealer or an impregnator, how to seal granite yourself, and how to remove granite stains.

I've seen firsthand how they turn granite slabs into granite kitchen countertops. Trust me, you'll never look at granite countertops the same way again!