Pictures of an English Cottage Featuring Windows and Doors

by Randy

Architectural Styles, Customized Features, Doors, English Cottage Style, Windows

It’s time to publish some more of my pictures of a beautiful, new English cottage built here in America. I’ll mainly focus on the windows and doors for this post.


Extraordinary attention to English cottage architectural details and landscaping was the driving force behind The Bonner’s new home.

Some of these details are not always apparent. You need to look carefully and realize that you will not find homes of this caliber very often. The builder definitely kicked things up a notch for this fine homebuilding project!

My pictures probably don’t do it justice, but at least I tried. Judge for yourself.

Hover your mouse over the image for more information.

Above: The picture on the left shows the backyard as seen through the HUGE, square-cut rondel glass in the back door and (r) here are just a couple of the 25-30 (I lost count) interior doors which are constructed of solid hardwood with cherry veneer, all with the same style panel configuration.







Follow this link to the complete series on the English cottage seen here.

Here is Part 1 of this “Best of” photo series.

Here is Part 2 of this photo series.

English Tudor-style cottage home photo ideas – Part 4